Letter to Elise

Elly was named Elise after this song as both Daddy and I were big Cure fans. She totally loves this song so I had to include it on her Blog now didn't I... If this is the first time you have visited SilvaLand, please be sure to scroll right down and go to 'older posts' too as there are more pages. Alternatively, go to the Archives and click on a title for that blog. Oh, and don't forget to leave a message for Elly in her chat box. She will get back to you.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Lilac Smiles

I have some new layouts for you. The first one I couldn't resist. Elly looking all girly and sweet which most of the time is so not her, she's such a tomboy. I got the idea for the papers I made from her top which is just so pretty.

and secondly. I was trying out some of the freebies I get from the other ladies I scrap with on the internet. I really liked this quirky template and the papers too. It seemed just right for this photo of Elly at Harveys Christening where she was trying so very hard to keep those rings going on her arms. She did good too.... lol.

Here's a little 'ARTY' thing I did. I have no idea how I did it. It was an action I tried that went wrong but I liked the outcome. Pretty cool, so I kept it and added a rather nice doodle frame.

Here's a pretty little picture I did using a frame and one of my papers along with a photo focused on Elly's hands holding Dandilion Seeds. Remember that wonderful picture of her sulking because the seeds wouldn't blow.... lol.

Again, trying out the 'Pop Out' style. I loved this picture of Elly with the Bluebells. She was so busy watching the Ladybird, she didn't notice the tiny spider slowly crawl toward her hand. Boy oh boy, I never heard such a scream. The flowers were up in the air, Elly was back in the house and that was the end of my bluebell photo shoot.... lol.

Well folks, thats all for now. More to come soon. Wishing you all lots of love and sending bigs hugs and kisses.
Boo and Elly xx

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